We are proud to have delivered tens of successful projects through the years. We are grateful to our customers who believed in our work and are using today powerful systems that have added value to their organizations.

Ministry of Justice - Case Management System
The Electronic Bailiff Case & Document Management System is a solid, secure system that offers high capacity and wide geographical expansion. It is characterized by a highly intuitive user interface. Konsort used IBM Filenet and IBM Websphere Portal and GoPro .

Ministry of Health, NCCE - Cloud Solution
Konsort developed a web based application using a robust cloud computing platform (Caspio). Implemented is a web based architecture which allows easy access and local extraction. Data rescuing, adaption and automating through data-migrating tools.

Vodafone Albania - Data Warehouse
Konsort introduced Data Warehouse System as a solution for the challenges raised by Vodafone.The data warehouse is a centralized, secure solution that provides high level of data accuracy. The information is processed automatically and centrally.

General Directorate of Taxes- Datawarehouse
The implemented solution was built on Oracle RDBMS and IBM ETL technology. The system is designed to extract, clean, transform, & enrich the incoming data from different sources, and finally to store the structured information in a centralized database.

Tax Administration Kosovo - Security & Audit System
Konsort based its solution on Oracle Audit Vault. This new system automated centralization and monitor of data treatment coming from different segments of tax application sources. This solution provides built in security, controlling access to the consolidated information.

Vodafone Albania - Sites & Faults Management
Konsort designed, developed, and implemented SiteInfo application as the best solution in order to cover the customer needs on Data Collection, Fault Management, Site Management, Network Performance KPIs Reporting and Analysis.

General Directorate of Taxes- Risk Analysis System
Konsort introduced and developed Risk Analysis System. The system is based on a centralized Oracle database that is fed automatically by an ETL engine. This system analyzes all information related to Albanian Tax Payers, extracted from all possible tax systems that apply respectively.