Case Management is a solution that automates processes and integrates in one system, documents, people, procedures, communication, rules and protocols, encompassing every necessary component. Konsort has applied Case Management Solution and has developed success stories for Banks, Telco and Governments.

Konsort offers Case Management Solutions based on leading technologies like IBM and GoPro to increase business’ performance, improve effectiveness, track workflows, monitor entities and actors involved and optimize outcomes. This solution manages a continuous increasing number of complicated cases. It efficiently disseminates information and ensures a unified understanding of knowledge in hand. Through Case Management Solution every case development is monitored, identifying actors, following deadlines and ensuring consistency and work progress.

Case Management Systems are powerful, extensible and offer a flexible framework, a solid approach and analytical tools. They are suitable and highly responsive, that is why they are deployed in complete diverse sectors of a business. These systems offer all the necessary features for document management, process management and the corresponding integration.

Possessing a Case Management System means competitive advantage. Decision making is improved and is based on more accurate, accumulative information. The business becomes synchronized as more entities, actors and information is integrated. Knowledge workers part of the system, extract more value and insight from the available information. The possession of structured information optimizes customer intimacy, reveals trends and measures efficiency.