The challenge:

The tax administration of Kosovo required a solution that would monitor the activity on their collection of tax payers’ data. Regulatory compliances, privacy and consolidation are challenges that demand stronger security control on the databases. Possessing information about every database interference would give this institution efficiency advantage. The sources contain very sensitive information and their treatment requires high level of accuracy. Due to Kosovo’s tax system architecture, the Tax Administration required a solution that would monitor 5 different application sources and would centralize the results. 

The solution:

Konsort based its solution on Oracle Audit Vault. This new system automated centralization and monitor of data treatment coming from different segments of tax application sources. This solution provides built in security, controlling access to the consolidated information. The monitoring is real time and specific situations are followed by alarming functionalities. The system provides advanced reporting tools that can help users for a better monitoring process.

The result

Kosovo possesses today a system that helps it in accurately and securely monitoring the activity on tax data under Tax Administration Kosovo. The automating of important processes, the centralization of data and the reporting facilities have increased control, efficiency and transparence.