Mobile Trouble Ticketing

                                             Site/Fault Management

Telecommunication companies greatly rely on the performance of their sites. Being aware of any fault in the site, in real time is directly translated in efficiency and competitive advantage. This knowledge combined with detailed information on the impact that a certain fault has on the communication traffic, might be crucial in taking important decisions. In a highly competitive environment, like telecommunication environment, possessing a solution answering to SiteInfo issues is a must.

The target of this system is telecommunication industry and one successful implementation Konsort has developed, is Vodafone Albania SiteInfo System.



Mobile companies need to have information about network infrastructure 24/7 in every territory that they operate

They deal with the need for on-time, accurate information

Gaining competitive advantage in a harsh environment like telecommunication is another challenge.

Mobile companies deal with the requirement of taking on-time, informed decisions for increased efficiency

These companies need to manage faults, assets and site visits. Combining these results would provide valuable knowledge that needs to be considered when taking decisions.



Mobile Trouble Ticketing is an encompassing solution that responds to Site/Fault Management.

Highly intuitive, through visual displays like dashboards and maps. It directs the user to the problem nature and location.

Through a Key Performance Indicator (KPI), the mobile trouble ticketing, reports in real time about the availability of every site.

In addition this solution offers asset and maintenance management, optimizing infrastructure.

Mobile Trouble Ticketing offers capabilities of integrating with a data warehouse and conduct thorough analyze on the impact that site faults have on the communication traffic. 



Mobile companies possessing a trouble ticketing system gain competitive advantage

These companies acquire real time, accurate information about the infrastructure of their network.

Improved decisions through time efficiency and well-informed  judgment

Integrating this solution with its other systems, a mobile company has the opportunity to leverage the information it possesses.